The Open AE: Promote open source technologies in non-formal adult education (OPEN-AE) project will be presented at the ALL DIGITAL Summit in Bologna on October 10-11th. The How to Workshop will give participants, who will mostly be from the digital inclusion sector practical and hands on exercises to better understand how to participate in open-source and free software cultures (hint: you can be active in the field even if you are not an IT developer).
The project consortium feels committed to bridging the Free, Libre and Open Source Software gap in the digital inclusion sector and makes no assumption that this is a easy task. Bottom up research conducted by desk research and focus groups show that many feel they are not skilled enough to be active free and open source software users. The how-to workshop aims to put into perspective these doubts and give clear hands on techniques to start participating in the open software culture, share your work with open licenses and benefit and contribute to the work of others.
The how-to workshop will take place as part of the ALL DIGITAL Summit in Bologna, it will be hosted on the 11th of October from 11:45 to 13:15