The Open-AE training Curriculum (programme of study) on open source technologies is addressed to educators (e-facilitators, trainers, etc.) working in non-formal adult education and mapped to the DigCompEdu European Framework.
Open-AE training Curriculum
Open AE training Curriculum Annex A
The development Open-AE Curriculum in the first phase of the project provided:
– A better understanding of the main educators training needs in relation to the use of open source technologies and define the “state of the art” in teaching open source technologies by mapping available training offers and available open educational resources (OERs) in project partner countries.
– A solid ground for the development and contextualization of the course training contents, as well as for the delivery of the training itself.
– Community building momentum as the preparation of the Curriculum involved the target group and key stakeholders which at an early stage of the project’s implementation. as a strategic factor for the sustainability of the project
Curriculum was developed in 4 steps:
1. Production of Research Framework and tool
2. Desk and field research in each country
3. Production of the Analysis Report
The analysis of all the national contexts represented in the partnership has been conducted during the first five months of the project (M1 November 2018 – M5 March 2019) thanks to the combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods. It has allowed setting up a consistent and qualified pedagogical and didactic framework for the resulting curriculum and the following intellectual outputs, at both implementation and transversal level.
This Analysis report summarizes the main results emerged from both the desk and field research in Belgium, Italy, Switzerland and Spain. The four partner countries conducted the research using the research framework and the tools initially elaborated by Associazione Centro Studi Città di Foligno.
4. Development of the Open-AE Curriculum (training syllabus) mapped to DigCompEdu
Open-AE Curriculum outlines both the training program and the methodology to be used. The first chapter of the document introduces the principles used to upscale the course curriculum and methodology. It also explains the added value of promoting open source technology in Adult Education and the use of OERs in teaching. The second chapter mainly describes the organization of the training program and outlines the role of the trainers and their tasks in the different stages of the course. The third chapter presents the course layout and offers details for the various components of the training path (online, face to face training and final application); it also introduces the criteria to select teachers and trainers willing to benefit from the blended course.
The Open-AE Curriculum sets and outlines the main steps linked to the training path and helps project partners to advance their activities with a clear scope and meaningful instructions. In addition, it is useful for the potential course participants because it explains how the training works, in terms of engagement, duration, contents. Finally, it is relevant to the wider audience since it explains the experience of focusing on open technologies and resources in a structured way.
The Curriculum is available also in Italian, French, Spanish and Dutch.
The document is accompanied by Open-AE Curriculum Annex A which presents the organization of the course to be delivered in the framework of the Open-AE project by specifying its diverse phases, the objectives and the learning outcomes, the kind of contents to be issued and how the participants (teachers and trainers working in the field of Adult Education) will be involved.
Translation of the modules to Italian, Dutch, French, Spanish and Catalan are available in the Open-AE Online Academy (at the bottom of the page.